Research and Development

GeneBio Health Essence Complex 
Unique National Achievement in Large Animal Functional Testing Approved by the Ministry of Agriculture: Because pigs' hearts, organs, and circulatory systems are similar to those of humans, and their genetics are nearly 90% similar to humans, the effects on the human body can be more reliably predicted. Thus, tests conducted on pigs offer more credibility and reliability than those conducted on smaller animals like mice or rats.

Taiwan Oligo Biotechnology Inc. leads the field with an R&D team that has amassed 26 years of professional and practical experience. They have perfected cutting-edge high-tech biotechnological manufacturing processes. Using advanced molecular biology, the team has succeeded in breaking down mushroom cell walls, allowing nutrients to be fully released and significantly enhancing their physiological activity. This not only facilitates rapid digestion and absorption by the body but also maximizes the efficacy of polysaccharides. A patent was applied for in the United States in 2002, and during the priority period, applications were made for a 20-year patent on the molecular biotechnological manufacturing method with our country's Ministry of Economic Affairs Intellectual Property Office and other major regions worldwide.
Developing health food products that truly benefit health is the unified goal of our team
Our achievements
1. Unlock Cell Walls for Polysaccharides:
Mushrooms possess extraordinary and superior effects, with astonishing nutritional benefits. Polysaccharides, in particular, are the brightest stars in the health market today. However, polysaccharides are high-molecular-weight polymers, made up of tens of thousands to millions of glucose molecules bonded together. Their molecular structure is large and the bonds between molecules are very tight and robust, making them impervious to water penetration and difficult to break down. Due to their fibrous nature, these high-molecular-weight polymers are not digested and absorbed by the human gastrointestinal tract.

While the industry is rushing to produce various mushroom-related products, many have completely overlooked the effectiveness and digestibility of these products. There is a serious lack of understanding regarding the unique, sturdy structure of mushroom cell walls and the fact that high-molecular-weight polysaccharides are not digestible by the human gastrointestinal system. As a result, consumers consume these polysaccharides, reputed for their miraculous effects, without feeling any benefits due to the body's inability to digest and absorb them, leading to their excretion.

Our R&D team, with 26 years of professional and practical experience, has developed a state-of-the-art biotechnological manufacturing method. Using molecular biology, we have managed to break down the mushroom cell walls using "hydrolytic enzymes" to "unlock" these walls, allowing nutrients to be fully released and transformed into a quantified molecular weight that becomes water-soluble, making it readily digestible and absorbable by the human body. Most importantly, this method does not destroy the nutritional structure, preserving the physiological activity of the nutrients. Additionally, the enzymes effectively catalyze and enhance the physiological activity of the nutrients, allowing polysaccharides to achieve their maximum potential. This technology represents the highest level of cell wall decomposition biotechnology currently available internationally and has been recognized and subsidized by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

No other domestic company possesses the technology to decompose mushroom cell walls until recently when a well-known enterprise claimed the capability to break down plant cell walls using imported machinery that vibrates intensely to shatter the cell walls, known as the 'cell wall shattering' method. However, this irregular and intense vibration method significantly damages the structural integrity of nutrients, particularly destroying the molecular structure of polysaccharides, drastically reducing their physiological activity, and often rendering them ineffective.

Nutrients must possess physiological activity to be effective in the human body; the higher the physiological activity, the greater the effect. These types of polysaccharides that genuinely aid in health are termed 'physiologically active polysaccharides.' Our patented biotechnological technique is not only applicable to glucans but also enriches the extraction of various types of polysaccharides, chitin, and ergosterol, among other unique molecular structures, enabling the real release of nutrients that genuinely contribute to health.

2. Physiologically Active Protein-Polysaccharide Complexes:
Dr. Mizuno and his research team in Japan have conducted a series of experimental studies comparing various structures of polysaccharides. They found that the combination of polysaccharides and proteins, known as "polysaccharide-protein complexes," had the best effects, achieving up to 99% effectiveness. This result is primarily due to the interaction between polysaccharides and proteins, which not only enhances their individual properties but also creates superior and unique functions. The proteins encapsulate harmful cells, preventing the spread of viruses or bacteria, while the polysaccharides energize immune cells, enabling them to defend the body and attack foreign substances. Additionally, the combination of polysaccharides and proteins facilitates smoother digestion and absorption in the human body because they are readily recognized by specific receptors in the intestines once bound to proteins.**

However, proteins can lose their activity when exposed to high temperatures. If the temperature exceeds normal levels, the structure of the proteins loosens and denatures, similar to how egg whites turn white and solidify when cooked due to denatured proteins.

Denatured proteins do not retain physiological activity and cannot bond with polysaccharides, let alone exert their beneficial effects. Recognizing that high-molecular-weight polysaccharides are indigestible by the gastrointestinal tract, some producers resort to high-temperature extraction methods to obtain polysaccharides. However, whether using water or alcohol extraction, temperatures generally exceed 90°C, which destroys the physiological activity of proteins and still results in a limited yield of polysaccharides.

Our patented technology utilizes molecular biology to break down the cell walls of mushrooms, allowing nutrients to be fully released without the need to increase temperatures. This preserves the physiological activity of proteins and maximizes the effectiveness of polysaccharides. The resulting protein-polysaccharide complexes, which genuinely enhance health due to their preserved and active state, are referred to as "physiologically active polysaccharide-protein complexes." This approach ensures that the nutrients exert their full potential and provide real health benefits.

3. Unique Essence of the Top Four Medicinal Mushrooms:
In the field of modern medicine, mushrooms are highly regarded as the best health supplements; numerous medical research reports have shown that composite mushroom products are more beneficial to the human body than single-species mushroom products. Each type of mushroom contains unique nutritional components, and the types and amounts of polysaccharides they contain differ, each producing distinct effects on the body. By combining several types of mushrooms, the nutritional content is more sufficient, complete, and balanced, effectively meeting the daily nutritional needs of the body and addressing various health conditions.

Composite formulations have become a mainstream approach in modern nutritional medicine because they combine nutritional components with different mechanisms of action, producing synergistic and additive effects, achieving maximum effectiveness. This is similar to traditional Chinese medicine, where a single prescription includes several different herbs. By combining different materials, each ingredient can exert a more effective impact, with substances interacting to enhance each other's effects, not simply adding but multiplying in effectiveness. Furthermore, in our complex and changing environment, viruses and bacteria constantly mutate, and single-agent treatments may only target one factor, whereas composite formulations can address multiple factors effectively.

Traditional products often contain only one type of mushroom, providing only partial nutrients, which does not result in a balanced and complete nutrition, nor does it provide a synergistic multiplicative effect. Furthermore, having too much or too little of a single nutrient can be problematic, as continually focusing on a single nutrient can burden the body, especially since single nutrients cannot address all potential health conditions.

Mushroom fruiting bodies and mycelia contain different nutrients, each having unique effects on the body. Research by Japanese scientists indicates that the polysaccharide content in mycelia is three times higher than that in the fruiting bodies. For instance, components found in the mycelium of the Brazilian mushroom are not found in the fruiting body, and vice versa. For example, the fruiting body of the Brazilian mushroom contains 'fruiting body polysaccharide-protein' which is absent in the mycelium. Conversely, the mycelium contains 'mannan polysaccharide-protein complexes' not found in the fruiting body. Similarly, Reishi mushroom fruiting bodies contain triterpenes and organic germanium that are absent in the mycelium. Clinical reports show that the nutrients in mushroom fruiting bodies and mycelia have different physiological activities in the body, and when combined, they complement each other and enhance overall effectiveness.

Most commercial products typically consist of a single type of mushroom, as combining multiple different types requires high levels of expertise. Our company combines the expertise of mushroom experts, medical doctors, pharmacologists, nutritionists, and biotechnologists to target the nutritional needs of all body organs. We use sophisticated biotechnological techniques to extract the essence of the top four mushrooms proven globally to be the most effective, merging their unique components and physiologically active nutrients into a naturally balanced and complete health food product.

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